Foundations Health Solutions
25000 Country Club Blvd. Suite 255, North Olmsted, OH 44070


Jason Dobson - Maintenance Director at Johnstown Pointe

June 8, 2023
I did something different this week at the suggestion of Melissa Berger, the Administrator at Johnstown Pointe in Johnstown, Ohio. Melissa asked me if on my visit, rather than working with a Nursing Assistant, I would consider working with Jason, her Maintenance Director. Melissa went on to say, "Jason is unreal and goes above and beyond every day for our residents. Everyone really loves him, and I think it would be a great experience."

I told Melissa that I loved the suggestion and to sign me up!

When I got to Johnstown Pointe, they let Jason know I was there, and he came up front to greet me and give me a tour of the facility. While we walked through the halls, he introduced me to so many residents and new staff members and told me a little about each one. Jason is invested in Johnstown Pointe, and it is evident. He is not just there to fix things; he is there to make a difference and love our residents and staff. His job just happens to be fixing things, or rather, maintaining them. Jason showed me their amazing preventative maintenance program, which is impressive!

Jason took me up on the roof to see the Air Handlers and explained the process of cleaning and maintaining the filters. After we got down and were walking by the laundry room, he said, “Let’s go in here. I want you to meet Susy, she’s amazing. Her mom is a resident here, and Susy runs the laundry department.” I must tell you I was blown away by how clean and organized the laundry room was. We spent probably thirty minutes there talking to Susy, who was, in fact, amazing, and to make up for the time we took away from her, we helped her stock the linen room.

Susy Harrison & Jason Dobson

My day at Johnstown Pointe was such a joy. Jason and Susy were a complete inspiration, and we are so lucky to have both leaders living out our Culture of Care every day. You could not ask for two more inspiring leaders.

“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called Stress. Working hard for something we love is called Passion.”

- Simon Sinek

Thank you, Jason, for an incredible day. Thank you for introducing me to so many wonderful residents and staff members. Your passion to make a difference is inspiring.

Bob Speelman, STNA

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